Sunday, January 30, 2011

The Final Results For Clan Names

So we have Spot Clan that won. So remember, you would sign up by; Going into DRAA for the server. I will be in Coral Canyons, or Mt. Shiveer. And remember what you have to be. Black, with blue spots. I'm sorry if I accidentally didn't put in exactly what u look like, but for an example----

See? You should look something like that. You can have any color of ears, and any kind or color of eyes.

Art Studio

Today on aj I went to the Art Studio. I painted this picture.

I also have a new look!

You might also see me like this,

or this.

Be Part of the Moderaters Team!!!!

To become a moderater you have to comment everyday (and not just once a day!)  and answer questions.  For example if someone said, "Hey AJS! I'm new to 'animal jam' and I want to know EXACTLY what it's about." You would probably say something like, "Well, animal jam is a place where everyone can play together and have fun! Liza will probably tell you the rest..." but it probably not be something I would say. And I want you to answer questions THIS way:
@(the person's name here)
(your answer here)
From, (your name), an AJS Moderater. (without the period...)
Here are the mods so far:
1. Caitlyn22222
2. Silverstorm
3. Tigerstripe
4. PurpleTacos
5. AJGirl
6. ???
7. ???
8. ???
9. ???
10. ???
So start commenting and become a mod!

Last updated: 6/1/11

Friday, January 28, 2011


Well, today I decided to get my revenge on all of those scammers.

Wow it worked!


Thursday, January 27, 2011

I Lost My Member-Ship Acount!

Today I went on animal jam but  it wasn't normal...

I wanted to change my animal to my wolf but...

Also it let me keep my seal however I trashed it and made a tiger! And even my den items and clothing were gone!

I hate being non-member!

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Are There People Watching Me?

Today I was on AJ and this is what I found--

It says it's from "TheGhostOfKey99", and I'm kind of freaked out! I don't know anyone named "TheGhostOfKey99". I hope it's just a glitch!

Random Things

Well first I want to say I have a new name for my seal.

Also I wanted to say that there is a glitch, or a mistake in Wind Rider

I need an answer to the problem! Comment with answers!

Today is also Shiveer Parties!

Whats circled is "23 Shiveer Parties!"

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Join My Clan

Today I'm 1-on-1 combat with clan names. The names are Fire Clan which you have to be black with orange fire. Then theres Spot Clan where you have to have blue spots on you. Do the poll please!

To much money!

Today I tried to find something I wanted for my den, but what I wanted was to much money.

Great.....Just Great......


Today I was on AJ and this is what I found

Is AJ making Mira just come? If so, I would like them to stop making her just come because It's anoying! (There are only 2 people)

I found funwow!

Today I was checking annabelle10 and she was with someone. At first I had NO idea who it was. So when I went to friend him, I found this---


Friday, January 21, 2011

Seals rule!

                                                                           That's me
Today I looked at the news on animal jam and there was a new animal!

Saturday, January 15, 2011

My Movie

I went ahead and made a movie. I know, I know. It's not a motion picture. But still, It's all I could think of.

New show

Today I looked at Fuzzy Shyivy's blog and there was a new movie there! RIGHT THERE. I was to surprised to even talk! Now I will try to make my own show.


Today I wanted a fox hat so I traded my butterfly wings. But I didn't get anything back! The scammer's name is something like kalia. If you see her, DON'T TRADE!

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Not animal jamish... at ALL!

Today I was at choir and a random girl FAINTED!!!! I didn't know what it ACTUALLY was until I saw her pumping. Now I'm glad I'm not aloud to put in *I die* or *dies* In fact I'm REALLY glad!

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

I sort of joind a clan

Today i looked at and there was something that caught my attention! Fuzzy Shyivy made a clan! It is called star clan. Remember, I did not make this. It was all Fuzzy Shyivy!

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