Sunday, June 5, 2011

Maddie61! not really about animal jam

Alright so I was on Ironwulfs blog and I saw a comment that offended me and really just made me angry
 here it is:    ironwulfs blog is way betetr than tigerstripe blackfur caz tigerstipes is really bad and i cant read it good no offense. Alright so I have a lot of blogs but I made two my self wolf world and Tigerstripes warrior cats blog, so I'm not sure what blog shes talking about but both of them are kinda advanced but simple, but if she wants to be mean, I can make it so she's crying in her basement for 3 days so if she see's this post lets just say it's a warning! 


  1. Hhhh! I'm sorry! I didn't mean to publish that comment. :O It wuz an accident.

  2. @ key ikr
    @ Ironwulf it's fine just try and not do it anymore

  3. oh ironwulf its ok just try not to do that again i hope maddie61 learns her lesson about being mean. Guys maddie61's account got hacked so she has a new one called maddie456. Tigerstripe try not to worry about that stuff u seem really nice and ur blog is awesome i bet u maddie61 odesnt even have a blog. TIGERSTRIPE IS AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Please be nice! No swear words (mean words, cuss words, etc.) And again, PLEASE BE NICE!

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